Ever Heard of Competitive Coffee Drinking? Sky

this is a funny coffee stories from Sky,

” in my town we really don’t have much to do, and we have a lot of little local coffee shops. So sometimes we really don’t do much except for drinking coffee. so our time, a couple times a year we have a coffee drinking competition. and this entails drinking two full pots of HOT coffee and whoever finishes first wins… a month of free coffee. it was the hardest test of my coffee love. and i have only won once. friends1.gif

Worst Coffee Story: Erin


This is one of our worst coffee stories of the week:

“So one day I went to Slave to the Grind and I got my medium hot mocha that I always get once it hits December.  I was so excited because I love this place and they know me so I always feel so welcomed.  I got it took one sip and began to walk outside but once outside it slips out of my hand and falls onto the snowy ground.  I walked back inside because the barista Caid saw all of it happen and he gladly made me another one. THEN I walk outside again except this time my keys get stuck on the door knob and it spills AGAIN.  I was so upset because my coffee is everything to me and luckily he made me another one but to this day he still makes fun of me by saying things such as “watch the door.”  Worst day.”

What Weather is…

I don’t know about you but where we are the weather is acting like a weird spring raining mix. no I’m not begging for snow… BUT I WANT TO BUILD SNOWMEN AND DRINK COFFEE. what do you wish the weather was right now?

Let us know and we will talk to mother nature for you, or just tell you to drink some coffee.

Is Winter Coming?



Worst Coffee Story

Well I know you all have missed us, but Turkeys took over.

and here is a worst coffee story by another one of our writers. if you would like us to publish one of your worst coffee stories comment or send us a message!


“I was not feeling good one day and I had been running errands and stopped by a local bakery and picked up a nice latte.(because it was early and Duh coffee) when I got in the car and I had one sip, something in my stomach turned and i ran back in the store and was in the bathroom for 15 minutes sick as a dog. I couldn’t drink coffee for a week and a half after that. I missed coffee more than Trump regrets running for President.”

thats our story of the day comment if you would like your story shared!

Funniest Coffee Story: Jenny



We are going to start a new thing on our blog and it is worst coffee stories. We will be doing this more every week and posting the best or funniest coffee stories from people who are willing to share the worst coffee stories.

This is Jenny’s

“So the other day my friends and I bought 12 coffees from Starbucks because it was buy one get one free. We wound up drinking all of them. Haha I am not sure if that is funny or just pathetic.”